Archive for the ‘FAQs’ Category

With Hatch Guarantee!

Many schools and clubs order fertile duck eggs to teach children how ducks hatch and grow. We sell these packages with a pamphlet on how to incubate and hatch those eggs. Great fun and a great education for school kids. Pekin ducks are the most common type of duck and are found all over North […]

Fresh duck eggs for eating or hatching!

At, Fresh duck eggs are available year round. Many people like them for baking and pastries. Many of those allergic to chicken eggs can often use duck eggs instead. Of course, if you have severe egg allergies, we suggest you consult your physician before using duck eggs. We ship high quality, farm fresh duck […]

Caring for Your Ducklings After They Hatch

Keep them warm and to feed them as follows… Small ducks need warmth (they can’t supply it themselves). You need to buy or make a “brooder” for their warmth and protection. To make one yourself, get a big box and hang a light bulb in there that is close enough to give off some heat […]